Hotel Information for Cond'Or.
Below we've got some information for you about the West Plaza, the hotel hosting Cond'Or 2000.
We'll try to cover everything we can however without repeating thier own site. Iif you click below you'll
be taken to the West Plaza's own homepage which can give far more information than we can.
Click here for the West Plaza Site.
The information you will want to know however is the pricing structure.
We've managed to book a number of rooms already, the following are the room prices for both
Standard rooms and Triples. Suites can be booked upon request.
Standard Room - including either a double bed or twin share: $110+GST per night. ($123.75 incl)
Triple - including double and single bed: $130+GST per night. ($146.25 incl)
Suites - see site for description :) $150+GST per night. ($168.75 incl)